Iron Mountain via Ellie Lane Trail

Distance: 9.5 miles

Duration: 4:09:30

Pace: 25 min/mile

Elevation Gain: 1600 ft

About 0.4 miles from the trailhead, there is a junction that split Ellie Lane Trail and Wile horse Trail. Take left turn and continue to Ellie Lane Trail. About 1.1 miles, we are at a large granite and faced with Table Rock. You will realize it is Table Rock without any sign. After that there are a couple of junctions with no signs, and it will end up with same place. We take left at the first of them, then turn right, turn right. At about 2 miles, there was a T junction, and we should take a left path to continue Ellie Lane Trail. If you take a right turn here, you will be going to the parking lot. The trail peaks and went downward a bit, then we see small junction. There are two small peaks in a series, not sure that is Ramona Overlook. We went there and come back to the trail get continue on the trail. At 3.35 miles, we came to the junction that leads to the iron mountain peak. The right turn here will be going to iron mountain trail trailhead, which is the way later we get down. It is about 1.45 miles to the peak, it is continuous up hill, but it isn’t that difficult to go. Also, there are so many people on the trail, there is no chance you get lost.

Once we peaked iron mountain and get down the same way to the Junction, and take a left to go iron mountain trail. Before we get to iron mountain trailhead, there was a T junction where we take a right turn that leads to Wild Horse Trail. At the first junction, take a left to go north, then turn right at the next junction with no sign. It was very nice trail and a lot of variations.




Second visit: I did another hike with some companies in the following week. It was raining when we start, but I am sure it will stop as we go up. It is much comfortable for me because I know where to go. One of friends told me that there are a lot of rock formation here, and I just realized it is at this time.